What's in my dance/feis bag and other things

Okay, truth be told, I may have gone a tad overboard with Irish dance related purchases these past few weeks. Some of it was out of necessity. Some of it was because I am beginning my competitive dancing career in just over a month. Some was just because I wanted it. I'm an adult, I just finished teaching summer school, and honestly, I think the most expensive item was the sixteen dollar bun wig I already did a post about. They don't call me the bargain huntress for nothing. :)

So I guess it's time to share with you my spoils. Not bragging or anything, just really excited.

So along with my super cute bun wig I got an Irish Dance journal (technically two, but that's another story) and it keeps all my monthly goals, has a practice chart and eventually I can start logging how I do at competitions. It's keeps track of a year. I like it so far, we'll see what happens when I'm a full fledged back in classes.

I decided a while back that I wanted poodle socks, I hoped someday to compete in them (though I'm pretty sure I'm going to be sentenced to tights for the time being) and they could cover up my ankle support if I need it in class. Shipping on two pairs of socks was SO much, so when I found out I was going to compete I bought a few more things. I got spare laces for both pairs of shoes, a number holder, and a Irish dance tank top that is super cute. It looks like it's meant for a large sized man, not woman, maybe it will shrink in the wash. I'm a tad sad that I used the website that I vowed I'd never use again, but six dollar shipping is so much better than 12 or 14 dollars.

I had a bunch a coupons at CVS so I went and got some stuff for my feis bag. For the beauty part I have tons of makeup so that wasn't a problem but I bought hair spray, a hand mirror, and the con-air version of the bun doughnut. I'm excited about the sunless moisturizer I bought too! It helps with cellulite! So even if I have to wear tights, at least my legs will look less gross underneath. Everything else in the picture is stuff I already had and my wig. I also bought a rat tail comb yesterday that isn't pictured.

The first aid section makes me sad that it's so large, but with my track record it's better safe than sorry. As with the previous section, it wasn't all purchased in one day, in fact a lot of it was already in my dance bag. The newest addition is the ice packs. I'm going to put on in my dance bag in one in my competition bag, never know when I'll need it (or someone else). The same goes for the Tampax lol.

The final group of items goes under the things I would be wearing and helping with what I'm wearing at a competition. Besides the shoes, I have my tights (still kind of hoping I won't have to wear them), my electrical tape, and safety pins. The newest additions are the hole punch (for number cards), the glue stick (Instead of sock glue, we'll see if it works) and ribbon (not pictured).

I need something to put all these things in. Right now they are all loose in one of my over night bags and I want it to be much more organized. I've got time so I'm sure I'll figure something out. The other thing is my costume. TC and I are going to talk next week about what I'm going to be wearing, but I don't think it's going to be enough time to order my school dress. I went to the craft store on Saturday and got a few ideas. I found a pattern I would use if I have to make a skirt and all the stuff for a headband (I may do this no matter what I'm going to wear).

I'm going to leave you with my newest attempt with the wig and make up! I feel like pictures just don't do it justice. It looks a lot higher on my head in person. Maybe I just suck at selfies.

 9 days until camp! 33 days until the feis!



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