Getting There

After being sick and having a kind of meh at best week, it was so great to get back into the studio today.

My main TC is away at a wedding this weekend, so my usual teacher that I see for my private lessons had to run St. Patrick's Day performances so I worked with our 3rd teacher today. She came to my school after I had already left and had Dom so today was my first day officially meeting her. I was a little nervous about how it would go, but we meshed really well and it felt like I'd known her forever in no time at all.

You know me, it doesn't take much for me to get sentimental, but I feel so so SO lucky that I have so many teachers that support me. Each have provided me with great feedback and strategies to help my steps shine and it seems like they really want me to succeed. I felt like I still accomplished so much despite it not being my usual teacher and I can't wait to make everyone proud when I do finally go out there and compete.

We spent the majority of the lesson figuring out the run in my first treble jig step. Even though I say it the right way when I'm visualizing, I was rushing through instead of taking a short pause when I actually dance it so I'm hoping that will be resolved now. We also worked on crossing and making things a little more styled for prelim. It was really fun.

The biggest victory was that she had me do my two treble jig steps to music instead of one at a time and I did it! It was rough toward the end, I felt like I wanted to throw up for a minute there, but I didn't stop. I'm hoping by the time I need three steps it will be no problem. 

We ended the class by doing a step down the line of my slip jig and I felt pretty good about it! We talked about ways to cross more in this dance as well and overall she was really pleased with how things were looking.

I do have a little bit of disappointing news. I am no longer doing the class feis. My niece was supposed to be baptized tomorrow, but my sister-in-law has covid and had to reschedule. The only day everyone could do it was feis day. Seeing how my stamina was today, it might actually before the best, though I was really looking forward to getting back into it.

At least now I can learn those third steps!



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