Weekly Update

No witty title this week, sorry.

I'm feeling pretty good about today. I spent most of my week learning the second half of the Treble jig step we started last class and I feel like it paid off. We were able to do the whole thing to music (granted at speed 69 instead of 73, but I'm getting there), and while it's not ready for the competition floor yet, I know it will be. There's really just one section at the beginning that's kind of clunky, but I think we figured out why so I'm hoping in a week or two it will be golden. My TC seems to think that getting the first step up to the correct tempo will make learning the other two easier, and so far he hasn't lead me wrong. We're switching back to slip jig next week and it sounds like it's another previous step,  so I'm excited to hopefully go a little quicker.

I had to bring Dom to the studio today and after having my mom watch him so many weeks in a row, I got spoiled. He's going through a phase where he WILL NOT be contained, so letting him roam instead of trying to coral him ended up being less stressful (even if he came over to me as I was getting ready to do my opening bang like 3 times) I swore I saw what looked like toddler mimicry of dancing, so watch out JB.

Here's my depressing bit of news, because the post can't be all sunshine and rainbows. My dress doesn't fit. I had a feeling that was probably going to be the case, but I didn't think it was going to be so bad. I know bodies change when you have a kid, but I think even with working out and an insane diet, I just don't see it happening. So I will sell it and use the money towars a new one, seems like just like everything else, the price has gone up and I may be spending more than I intended. I really don't think buying a used dress is an option 😕. Stay tuned I guess.

To end on a positive note, I'm happy I made the decision to come back. It's been so nice to feel motivated to exercise and practice and see the results. I swear I'm hitting more clicks now than I ever did before and we ran that Treble jig step over and over and over and I was able to do it every time. STAMINA (Talk to me when I'm doing fulls in a few months) I can't wait to keep seeing improvements.

Okay, see you next time,



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