Coming Out Of Retirement When You Weren't Sure You Were In...


Does anyone even read this anymore? Is it just a bunch of bots? Well, if you are an actual human, how are you? I think I'm back.

What do I mean when I say I think I'm back? Welp, honestly I thought I was finished with Irish dance last we spoke. I was fully ready to commit to a new activity to keep fit. I attended two weeks of gymnastics and don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it. I was extremely sore, the commute was great, I was going to try to compete, but something was missing...

I could probably blame the oireachtas this past weekend. Another year has passed and I didn't dance solos. I had an excuse...I had my baby 10 weeks before and there was no way I'd be recovered in time, let alone ready. Seeing all my of class mates achieving their goals and being so supportive of each other was truly beautiful and I was only witnessing it through social media. I'll also be honest and tell you that on the morning of Senior Lady day I cried in my bed because I was home in Harwinton instead of Hartford.

Please don't get me wrong, I am blessed. My baby is awesome. He's a totally cuddle bug that makes everything I have gone through worth it, but seeing everyone dolled up and stumbling across dance music on my phone recently was making me feel like I have unfinished business because...I do.

So then I thought about transferring. There is a new school closer to home that I emailed, but the more I have thought about it, if I'm going to try this comeback, wouldn't make sense to try it where I'm comfortable, where I have people supporting me? People who know my strengths and weaknesses and can help me because they know my goals? It will have to be different, so so so different but it's like a truck has hit me and my heart hurts when I think of never going back.

I have to sit down and think about what this new game plan will look like, but I'm hoping I can do this in a way that works for my TCs (Keep forgetting I have two now),my family, and for me.

Stay tuned,



  1. Yay, glad to see you plan to continue. I was kind of in your position last year...kid was too young to compete in 2018 Oireachtas, but then I got three prize winner firsts within the first 8 months of my kid's life, so while it is so much more complicated when you have to worry about a little one, I believe you can still reach your goals. And it's pretty sweet to have a little guy cheering you on at Oireachtas :)


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