She Rises From the Ashes?
Hey everyone,
I'm not sure if anyone reads this any longer. I know it was a skating blog for a hot minute, I know that I said I was going to "unretire" once before, but it's been almost two and a half years since I last wore my solo dress and did a reel or hornpipe and...
...I miss it.
Don't get me wrong, skating has been fun. My coach is awesome and I have learned a lot, but as I'm skating around my mind is practically screaming about how much it misses dance. I don't feel like I'm wasting my money, but I feel like my heart is not one hundred percent invested and that's a problem.
There are a lot of bridges to cross. The biggest is my husband of course. As I stated when I tried this about two years ago, he will be reluctant. It can only be one night and I will most likely be finding a new school closer to home (OR RETURNING TO JACK. I EMAILED HIM. OOP.) unless I can take a private or something on a Saturday at SRL. I have also decided that I will only be returning if I can compete in prelim, as slugging through the grades was hard enough at 29, let alone 32, so I may not feis ever again. LOL. I'm severely out of shape (though I did teach a ceili class at a mainstream studio this summer and didn't die), and I don't remember ANY my steps (Not true, I still know that damn treble jig by heart).
I know I became a mental mess in 2017/2018, but it can't be like that anymore either. Goals have to be different, priorities have to be different. I'm not even sure if any TCs in CT will take someone who wants to jump into a category that technically they weren't 100% qualified for, but I ain't going back to adults after all the work I put in.
Stay tuned I guess?
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