Skating During A Pandemic
Sorry...that was a six month hiatus that no one saw coming.
Not sure if anyone even reads this anymore (Some skating posts have a bunch of views, some skating related ones have less than 10), but I'm still alive, and believe it or not I've got things to update!
Rinks in CT opened back up in June and I've been meeting my coach biweekly (Pretty much...there were a few weeks in September that I couldn't meet her. Back to back baby birthday parties and going back to work, but that's another story.)
Not super surprising, but Taft, the school where my skating club meets September to March, has closed it's doors to outsiders. Until at least November we aren't allowed to hold our lessons there. I have a feeling that we probably won't be meeting there at all this year and it kind of stinks. Mostly because it's the closest rink to my house, but also because they typically have a test session and if we were able to meet weekly I'd probably be able to at least do my Dutch Waltz and maybe Moves in the Field by then. On the other hand, I am having longer private lessons than I would have squeezing one in after a group session.
So in the last almost four months I've had lessons with my coach at three different rinks. It's been a gamut of rules and restrictions. Some places require that you register in advance, some just allow you to show up. Some want you to wear a mask on the ice and others are okay with just the lobby. One place took my temperature, another made me sign waivers. I've shared sessions with professional ice dancers and I've skated with little peewee hockey babies.
Part of me is frustrated. I feel like I would be so further along if Covid hadn't shut everything down. I would have done at least 2 competitions beyond Yale. I'd probably be more prepared for testing in winter 2021, and I'd see my skating friends more often. That being said, I have made HUGE progress. My coach just said today that if we put on paper how many times I've actually been on ice since January I would be shocked at how much I've learned in a short while. Things are starting to click and I'm so motivated to keep going.
Here's just a sampling of what I've been up to:
-skating backwards (Like really being able to move no just wiggling like a lunatic)
-two foot turns
-smoother two foot spin (still not many revolutions but less choppy)
-proper stroking (with my foot in the air!)
-backwards swizzle pumps in a circle
-forward/backward one foot glides (Still working on putting my weight on my standing leg, but it's getting there)
-Step toe hop jump! (A JUMP! I know!!!!! Very skittish, but planning to get so comfy I can do it in my sleep!)
-CROSSOVERS! (I don't know why this is such an accomplishment to me, but I am thrilled. One side is extremely better than the others and I need my coach for support. LOL but I can say I did these today)
I've got a long way to go, but I'm so happy to have something to work towards again, especially since there is not much else "normal" at the moment.
I have more to post about, but I'll break it into multiple posts. It can be my way of making it up to you for being away for so long.
Talk to you soon!
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