A lot has happened since my last post. I'll leave it at that.
5th Learn To Skate Lesson
It was a mix of the Dutch Waltz, Moves in the Field, and Spins in my group lesson this week. I'm proud to say my two footed spins were much better was able to spin once maybe 60-65% of the time. I even got around twice several times.We also tried the lunge turn (not sure if there is an actual name) into two footed spins. Definitely better than a couple weeks ago, but still not great.
We worked more on the Dutch Waltz and I'm able to a bunch of it watered down (swizzle pumps instead of progressives, no lifting my leg up.) I'm still torn about how I feel about ice dance...I think I just have to get used to it. My coach throws a lot at us in thirty minutes. I have the least experience of the group so sometimes she talks about things that she thinks I already know and I'm like..."here goes nothing" but I appreciate that she thinks I can handle it. She wants us to do it at the show in a few weeks which scares me more than doing my program at the moment. LOL
Moves in the field is also watered down, but I feel a bit more confident about it. We haven't really discussed crossovers yet but I'm not sure how soon I would be testing this so I'm not as stressed as the Dutch Waltz. It's definitely helping my stroking through. Now if I could just keep that leg up.
3rd Private/Lovely Program
My program is officially cut! My coach did better than I could have ever done. It will take a bit of adjusting as it is not a straight cut at 1:40 and I've been listening to the original forever but I'm excited....
...what I'm not so excited about is how it was a pile of hot garbage last night. I'm totally being hard on myself, it was literally the second time doing it at all and the first time to music and in front of people actually interested. I had hoped to learn more of it, but we tweaked it and put in directions like you would a new reel or slip jig step so I guess it was productive. The lunge spin (again not sure if it has an actual name) was better than last week though I was having skate issues by the end of the night so I'm not sure if that had anything to do with it. Slaloms were also improved! Balancing on one foot still is rough so we're doing a two footed glide as a placeholder until I can get it up. We also added swizzle pumps in a circle so I guess I did learn something new after all. I am a bit nervous about the show and it being ready in time but I am attempting to think positive. There is Champions and Nutmeg State to work towards. LOL
The Dress Saga
I have been trying to keep this as budget friendly as possible (Which is getting questionable with these private lessons LOL) so I didn't want to commit to a dress if I ended up hating skating as I have a solo dress that I have mental ping pong with myself everyday over whether I should sell it or not. However, I have a program now and the leotard and skirt were just not going to work. I had multiple people tell me to try Amazon. Hell, buy a few and return the ones I didn't like So I bought two. A black asymmetrical dress meant for dance and a navy blue more traditional dress. All together they were about $40 dollars. I should have known it was too good to be true...
I'm sure most of you are aware of the coronavirus epidemic taking place in China. While I'm by no means a germaphobe, I am very very squeamish. I have a baby that is young and while he has his immunizations thus far...he needs more. A LOT MORE. So when I realized that both dresses were coming from China I freaked out a little. I know, I know...There is no proof that Coronavirus lives on fabric or is transferred any other way than respiratory droplets...but I'm not taking the chance. So they are in the package being prepared to be sent back.
Next, I scoured ebay. after almost getting another dress from China (Need this outbreak to end because I could get a custom in my measurements for at least half the price) I found a black dress for 35 bucks. It's longer than I thought it would be, but I'm going to keep it because if I don't wear it for Lovely, it would be a perfect dress for when I finally take that Dutch Waltz for a spin for testing or what have you.
Then the most recent thing has been that L let me borrow four dresses to try on. Two didn't fit. One was not as flattering as I hoped (It's was so pretty on the hangar. It makes me want to lose fifty pounds STAT) and the fourth I'm going to borrow because I think with a body suit underneath and some make up, that it will work at least for my show and March Competition. It doesn't really fit the theme of my program, but it's a really pretty dress so I'll take it for now.
I'm convinced that I'm going to have to buy something more than I was planning on spending. I've had a couple offers in the 100-200 dollar range for custom ones that I could stone myself and really compared to my solo that is cheap...but I need some extra cash before I do that so I'll use the borrowed/black dress for now. I've actually considered sewing one at this point, though I doubt that would be cheaper. LOL maybe a new hobby? Stay turned I guess.
New Skates?
Remember that time I bought skates from Target? Remember that time that I didn't get them sharpened? Remember that time I got them a half size bigger so I could wear a thick sock them? Well, I've been making them work (again, trying to not break the bank) but last night L let me borrow a pair of her old skates (the proper size for starters) and OH MY GOD. In Irish dance terms, it would be like having black ballet slippers from payless to Rutherford split sole soft shoes (I always wore the green padded Cavans) I don't think these are like the most expensive you can have (I never did top of the line with Irish Either, though all hard shoes were at least $130 dollars) but they are such an upgrade! Maybe it was totally psychological but I had an easier time spinning, and turning, I COULD ACTUALLY STOP. The ice just felt different (maybe the blades are sharper than my old ones.) The only thing that was a bit rough was one of my skates got loose during my privates so instead of stroking an edge, My skate would scrape and I would awkwardly stop but despite that I felt a difference. My legs are wrecked today but I kinda need them...L is going to give them for a deal. I wasn't planning on getting new skates already, but...yay?
Okay, I think that's it for now.
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