Back to Business and Back to Basics

I had originally planned to post last night, but I think I was so exhausted that I was slap happy and silly that this entry would have been ridiculous. In any case, I just finished my first week of dance classes and I'm feeling determined, excited, and nervous at the same time.

My Monday class is just novice and prizewinners or advanced beginners that will becoming novice in January. This class will be the class where we run steps and learn new things. Though we only did drills this week it is clear that one other dancers and myself are setting the bar for everyone else. This makes me feel really proud. I am slightly nervous that I might be working on my own a lot because there are some very young dancers in the class, but I'm still excited because I feel like I accomplished so much with a week of camp and some private lessons this summer. I can't wait to get my steps ready and continue to exceed my expectations.

Friday is the day that I'm being thrown into the fire and it's going to challenge me to contend with the higher level girls in the class. The class is Novice all the way Open Champ and since we all have other classes during the week it is literally an hour and a half of nothing but drills and basics. Honestly, I'm proud of myself because in this class I'm in the "middle" line. I get to see where I'm going and I can inspire others behind me. The perfectionist part of me is annoyed that my clicks don't always hit or that my legs could be straighter, but I keep on trying to tell myself that it's the first week and last year at this time, I was doing advanced beginner steps and couldn't even do small clicks so I know that eventually things will fall into place.

I also had a traditional set class before my actual class and I thought that it went pretty well. We're beyond the point of fixing big things, it's all about fine tuning things so that it looks confident. I will say my biggest issue right now is that it's inconsistent. It seems like I over think things and the first time the dance goes great, then as I'm worrying about specific parts other things go out the window. I know I have time to get everything under control but that's something that I really want to work on.

Overall, I am very happy with how my first week of classes went and I can't wait to go practice in a bit. I have a feis next weekend (IAA of NW NJ or the ABCDEFG as we've been calling it this week.) Hoping to continue how things have been going. Gonna keep on with the positive mindset.

Hope everyone else had a great week,



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