I'm trying very hard to not lose it
Happy first summer friends and strangers! I know dance is over until August, but I just can't keep myself away. I have some stuff to share, some is funny, some is not so good, but here we go.
1. Done at one school, Monday I have to teach two classes, then I'm getting into my car and driving off into the sunset. (Too bad I still don't ride, huh?) Then I apply apply apply.
2. Little girl that inspired me to start Irish Dance had her last class with me on Thursday. I was wearing a Irish dance shirt because it was dress down, and this is the conversation that ensued...
Student:Oh your shirt!
Me: Yes! It's the place I got my hard shoes.
Student: Do YOU have a jacket for your school?
Me: Not yet, I only joined in April, so probably the fall, haha.
Student: You're what, an advanced beginner right?
Me: ...well like I said I only started in April so I guess, no competitions yet.
Student: We'll, I'M a prizewinner...and I'M going to worlds.
Me: ...
I wasn't exactly sure if she was bragging or if she was just thoroughly proud of her self that she was better than a 25 year old woman. She is. But I didn't get the chance to tell her that I'm going to worlds too, someday. We'll probably be in senior ladies together! (She's 8) LOL.
3. My cousin got in a really bad boating accident and shattered his leg, passed out from the pain and almost drowned. Pretty terrifying stuff. I try not to preach on here too much, but please please pray he has a speedy recovery. He's looking at 6 months until he can work again. I'm not even sure about walking and functioning. Ugh.
4. I'm trying my damn hardest to have a more fit and healthy body come fall class/feis season. I've taken three walks, done an ab video and practiced two days this week. The eating better really needs to become better, but I'm hoping now that it's summer that should be easy.
5. However, because of all this working out, wearing dress shoes and practicing on a crappy ass floor, my ankles are killing me. Like to the point where I have to stop practicing for a week and see if I get any relief. I just tried practicing my reel and I couldn't get through the whole second step, it's not excruciating, I just don't want to make it worse. I'm icing, taking Advil, using creme. I feel dumb because I can't tell if I just have weak ankles and they are sore from all of this, or if I tore something. It's not swollen, it doesn't even hurt to the touch unless you really squeeze, but when I'm trying to jump, it's protesting. It's not even the same ankle as a few months ago! WTF! So much for my 3 days a week every week of summer but camp challenge. Grr!!!
6. Finally, I started this dance list of wants, desires, and things that make me happy. I've got about 50, but today I will share 10.
1. When your ghillies stain parts of your sock black.
2. When you suck down more than one bottle of water.
3. When you listen to Youtube videos of Joe Bitter’s set without music.
4. When you can’t stop laughing because you can’t remember what happens next in Antrim reel and neither can your partner.
5. When your TC gets a chair because your four hand is struggling so much with aforementioned reel.
6. When you are so sweaty and disgusting but you don’t care because so is everyone else.
7. When you correctly dance a step you memorized.
8. When your set piece starts to look and feel better.
9. When you get to choose what dances to work on in class.
10. When dance is what you think of most, not counting your husband… J
Okay, time to rest this bloody ankle...
1. Done at one school, Monday I have to teach two classes, then I'm getting into my car and driving off into the sunset. (Too bad I still don't ride, huh?) Then I apply apply apply.
2. Little girl that inspired me to start Irish Dance had her last class with me on Thursday. I was wearing a Irish dance shirt because it was dress down, and this is the conversation that ensued...
Student:Oh your shirt!
Me: Yes! It's the place I got my hard shoes.
Student: Do YOU have a jacket for your school?
Me: Not yet, I only joined in April, so probably the fall, haha.
Student: You're what, an advanced beginner right?
Me: ...well like I said I only started in April so I guess, no competitions yet.
Student: We'll, I'M a prizewinner...and I'M going to worlds.
Me: ...
I wasn't exactly sure if she was bragging or if she was just thoroughly proud of her self that she was better than a 25 year old woman. She is. But I didn't get the chance to tell her that I'm going to worlds too, someday. We'll probably be in senior ladies together! (She's 8) LOL.
3. My cousin got in a really bad boating accident and shattered his leg, passed out from the pain and almost drowned. Pretty terrifying stuff. I try not to preach on here too much, but please please pray he has a speedy recovery. He's looking at 6 months until he can work again. I'm not even sure about walking and functioning. Ugh.
4. I'm trying my damn hardest to have a more fit and healthy body come fall class/feis season. I've taken three walks, done an ab video and practiced two days this week. The eating better really needs to become better, but I'm hoping now that it's summer that should be easy.
5. However, because of all this working out, wearing dress shoes and practicing on a crappy ass floor, my ankles are killing me. Like to the point where I have to stop practicing for a week and see if I get any relief. I just tried practicing my reel and I couldn't get through the whole second step, it's not excruciating, I just don't want to make it worse. I'm icing, taking Advil, using creme. I feel dumb because I can't tell if I just have weak ankles and they are sore from all of this, or if I tore something. It's not swollen, it doesn't even hurt to the touch unless you really squeeze, but when I'm trying to jump, it's protesting. It's not even the same ankle as a few months ago! WTF! So much for my 3 days a week every week of summer but camp challenge. Grr!!!
6. Finally, I started this dance list of wants, desires, and things that make me happy. I've got about 50, but today I will share 10.
1. When your ghillies stain parts of your sock black.
2. When you suck down more than one bottle of water.
3. When you listen to Youtube videos of Joe Bitter’s set without music.
4. When you can’t stop laughing because you can’t remember what happens next in Antrim reel and neither can your partner.
5. When your TC gets a chair because your four hand is struggling so much with aforementioned reel.
6. When you are so sweaty and disgusting but you don’t care because so is everyone else.
7. When you correctly dance a step you memorized.
8. When your set piece starts to look and feel better.
9. When you get to choose what dances to work on in class.
10. When dance is what you think of most, not counting your husband… J
Okay, time to rest this bloody ankle...
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